Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The Ballad of Sgt. Pepper and Major Tom

long before sgt. pepper led a band of lonely hearts, and long before major tom freefalled in the vastness of outer space, the two military men were stationed in the 54th light infantry division of the army and fought alongside a war that was easily forgotten. they both never really stood out as soldiers of that war; they received no medal of valor, no purple hearts or what-not. but nobody could really blame them, for young as they were, they already had plenty of other thoughts racing through their head, and winning the war for their country was not one of them.

it took a few weeks in the barracks before the two actually got into a decent conversation with each other. perhaps it was because they couldn’t find other soldiers as unfocused on the war as they were, that they were drawn to each other. and they seemed to hit it off fine. their initial conversation went something like this:

pvt. tom: (looking over pvt. pepper’s shoulder) hey pal, you seem awfully busy writing in that notebook of yours, is that your diary or sumthin’?

pvt. pepper: (looks up, a bit startled) nah, just something i’m putting together for when i’m out of the army.

pvt. tom: really?

pvt. pepper: yeah.

pvt. tom: wow, planning that ahead, huh? uhh.. care to tell me some?

pvt. pepper: nah, it’s nothing interesting, really.

pvt. tom: (fidgeting sheepishly) no, i, ah,um, i’d really like to hear it. truth is i’ve got plans of my own, maybe you’d like to hear them too.

private tom eased himself beside private pepper and eagerly looked at what was on the notebook.

pvt. pepper: well, okay. see this here, it’s a piece of music i’m trying to finish for a big band sort of thing, with all the drums and strings and trumpets and stuff. when i’m done with my service i plan to start a band. nothing epic, really. just something i’ve wanted to do for the longest time, but i never really got around to actually doing it. but then the war came and i got drafted, so here i am, finally having the time to do what i want, but not really doing what i want.

pvt. tom: oh, did you go to music school? how many songs have you wrote?

pvt. pepper: no i’m pretty much self-taught. i did have an uncle though who was a first-class pianist, and he taught me what he knew about music everytime i stayed with him in the summer.

pvt. tom: so i see. well, i meself don’t plan on waiting for this war to end, but no plans of leaving the army though, not yet. i heard the government was building a space program. have you heard about it? i’d like to maybe try out to see if i’ve got the gall to become a spaceman. they have a word for it. what’d they call it? astronaut or sumthin’.

pvt. pepper: (chuckles) you plan on seeing aliens up there?

pvt. tom: heck, no. nothing like that. i just wanna see what the world looks like from up there. you see.. (pauses unsurely) i think that i’ve seen everything in this world i’d care to see. and frankly, i don’t like what i see. it’s just too crowded here.

pvt. pepper: crowded, huh? that’s a bit out of the box, don’t you think? but hey, you got yours i got mine. i hope you’re not planning on moving to the mountains and living like a straggler for the rest of your life.

pvt. tom: heck no! (forlornly looks skyward) i’m guessing outerspace is so much better.

the two became close friends after that, and throughout the war, they both found comfort in each other’s company. then the war ended and they were assigned to different divisions of the army. around this time the both of them were promoted as staff sergeants. one day sgt. tom got a call from sgt. pepper and this is how it went:

sgt. tom: sgt. pepper! what a surprise! heard you’re still in the army, i’ve been hearing some good things about you.

sgt. pepper: oh, drop the title, will you. yeah, i’m still here. seems the higher-ups found my disinterest an asset to the military. listen, i called you up because i heard some good things about you as well. i heard you got accepted to the NASA space program…?

sgt. tom: yeah, that’s right. i’m starting training in a month! and i’m getting married soon, and you can’t not come to the wedding, ya hear?!

sgt. pepper: well that’s even greater news! i’m there in a heartbeat. big congratulations! so, when do i get to meet the future mrs.?

sgt. tom: oh, we’re having a little get together with the families two nights from now. you’re welcome to drop by, bring a date along if you like.

sgt. pepper: uh-huh, that’ll be the day.

sgt. tom: still can’t get along with the ladies, huh? you know what, instead of a purple heart, i think the army should come up with a new medal for the likes of you. how about a lonely heart? what d’ya think?

sgt. pepper: hahaha, you’re one to talk. if i remember correctly, it was you who spoke about how much you hated the world.

sgt. tom: aww, c’mon man, don’t be like that. i didn’t say i HATED it, i just don’t like it, that’s all. besides, i don’t feel that way anymore, not since i met the future mrs. tom, know what i mean?

sgt. pepper: well then i guess you’re one lucky little bugger to have her. i can’t wait to get to know her.

sgt. tom: alright. so i’ll see you two nights from now?

sgt. pepper: yeah i’ll be there.

in the years to follow, sgt. tom got into the space program, got married and climbed up the ranks and became major. meantime, sgt. pepper remained as a head of new recruits in the barracks. they’ve had casual and sporadic meetings over the years, but nothing really interesting was said. fast forward a few years later, and we have major tom calling up his old friend sgt. pepper on what was probably the most significant day on the major’s life:

major tom: pepper…

sgt. pepper: tom!

major tom: i’m gonna be launched into space in five hours.

sgt. pepper: yeah i know, i’m watching it on tv right now! aw dear ol’ chap, i’m so happy for you! i know how much you’ve wanted this. it’s finally going to happen isn’t it?

major tom: yeah.

sgt. pepper: you sound a bit out of sorts.

major tom: it’s nothing. it’s just that things haven’t been running smoothly at home, you know? i mean, i love my wife. but with the baby coming up and this mission taking up most of my time, i feel a little disconnected from her, and i don’t think she and i understand why. but enough about that. so, i heard you’ve been put in charge of the army’s band division? is that true?

sgt. pepper: yeah, you heard right! it’s not exactly what i imagined it would be, but i’m doing something i love for a change. and i’m naming the division after your idea. i’m calling it The Lonely Hearts Club Band. what do you think?

major tom: i take it you must really be enjoying yourself.

sgt. pepper: i’m not really working with my dream musicians, but i have no complaints.

major tom: glad to hear that.

sgt. pepper: i’m starting to get worried about you, old friend.

major tom: no no, don’t worry i’m gonna be fine.

sgt. pepper: if you say so. shall i see you when you get back to planet earth, then?

major tom: yeah, i’ll see you. bye.

sgt. pepper: bye.

and that was the last conversation they will ever have. i guess you already know what happened next to the both of them. if you don’t, then this is where you can find out for yourself:

the story of the shuttle launch and its tragic ending are documented on the David Bowie song, “Space Oddity.”

Sgt. Pepper’s music was discovered by the Beatles. they recorded his songs and released them as a full length album entitled “Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band” and is considered by many to be the greatest album of all time. Sgt. Pepper died alone at the age of 64.

but still, i guess in the end, they both got around to doing what they wanted to do with their lives.

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