Thursday, April 5, 2012

The Great Author

The entire vast universe is but a mere thought of God.

How so, you may ask. Well, let me ask you this in turn, does Harry Potter exist?

My answer would be yes. Albeit the fact that he is very much intangible, in our minds, he does exist. We know what he looks like. We know how he behaves. This is because he has been instilled in our minds by the books and movies about him we've digested. His author created him, gave him a face, a mind, body and heart, and ultimately, a universe to live in.

I think the same holds true for us.

I think we are here now in this world, in this universe, in this existence, because an author created us.

He dictated how we would look like, how we will behave, how we live our lives. All of us are merely characters in this story that this author is writing.

Consider this: if I were holding a glass high up in the air, it will stay there until I stop holding it. The only way that it will fall to the ground is if I let it go, or I suddenly cease to exist.

That is why I know that there is a God: because we continue to live, and the only possible way that this story will end if He stops writing it.

To the Great Author, thank you for writing my story. I'm currently loving what I'm reading about me. Here's hoping you don't run out of ink anytime soon, and that you finish my story well.

Because I really hate bad endings.

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