Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Cory Was No Hero

Cory Aquino was and is no hero. anybody who believes otherwise is an easily manipulated dick. if i were to ask you of any good she’s given this country, i’ll bet you’d be hard-pressed to to think of anything that has weight and worth dwelling into. she was nothing more than a media hog who dipped her fingers on ANY political controversy just to prove to the country, but mostly to herself, that she still matters. if there’s a national issue, she’s there. if that issue fades into remission, she disappears along with it. and you’ll never hear from her again until another issue comes up. like clockwork. sure she attended rallies. sure, she voiced out her protests against the dictatorship. sure, she prayed for the redemption of our sorry nation, but so did i.

sadly, she was too stupid to realize that her star had already faded too long a time ago. what good did she ever do when she was in office? her stint in the palace was riddled with coup d’ etats and rallies because she couldn’t fulfill the promise that she radiated during the EDSA Revolution. instead of a dictator, the Philippines was ruled by the richest clans. laws were revised to cater to the elite. remember CARP? remember Hacienda Luisita? remember the massacred farmers? yes, she may have been the face of People Power. but she was only there because she was pushed into the limelight by those who held REAL Power. and she did exactly what was expected of her. she touched the heartstrings of the already restless (and easily swayed) masses by telling them of her husband’s tragic homecoming death. and the stupid masses, believing that the death of her husband had transformed her into an oracle and a savior, lifted her all the way onto the presidential chair.

even her husband, Ninoy Aquino was no hero. he was merely a political rival to the Marcoses, and the media sensationalized him, because the people BADLY needed a hero. sadly, no single pair of hands was clean enough for the task. no one was infallible. and so the media had to make do with a bumbling Ninoy, whom as i’ve said, was merely political rival. but in reality, he never fought for any issue. he never led any rallies or spoke in public against the tyranny that was strangling the lifeblood out of the country. do any of you remember of anything Ninoy said for the Filipino? aside from that line that was forced into our collective because of the P500 bill that his loving wife ordered to go in print?

and don’t even get me started on Kris Aquino.

the truth is, Cory Aquino was an elitist. as a president, she became a puppet who served only the interests of the rich few. if you’re looking for a hero, i suggest you look somewhere else, because you won’t find it in Cory.

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