Sunday, January 1, 2012

The City of Golden Friendster pt. 2

It has now been 20 days since ‘Sendong’ laid waste to half of my city, killing more than a thousand Kagay-anons in its wake. This nightmare of a tragedy has whipped us and brought us down to our knees. Slowly, the people are beginning to rise up once again, but the wounds are clearly far from being healed completely.

I have accused my city of complacency before. I can no longer claim to see it now. Everywhere I look, people from different walks of life come together and help out in any way they can. I have never seen this city teeming with so much exuberance, hope, and genuine empathy. Everything happens for a reason. Maybe God saw how smug we all were and decided to give us one helluva wake up call.

The people of this city have always been passionate, but that passion laid dormant for so very long. I guess now we have all had enough. I guess now we realize that we can no longer afford to take the backseat; that we need to get hold of the steering wheel to veer this city into the direction it should have been taking years ago.

It’s gonna sound morbid, but we have ‘Sendong’ to thank for all of this.

20 days after ‘Sendong’ and I see a new storm is coming. And it’s brought along with it the winds of change.

THIS CITY- the Escape Club
Swimming underwater/ Trying not to breathe/ Trying not to falter/ living in a dream
Swimming underwater/Like flying through the air/ Flying without freedom
Trying not to care/ Going nowhere

This city never stops

Living in this City/ Chained but free/ Like swimming underwater/ Trying not to breathe
Living without sleeping/ Living in a dream/ Swimming underwater
Trying not to scream/ Let me breathe

This city never stops

Give me some hope/ Give me some light/ Show me some love
Come on, come on, come on/ Set me free
Give me some hope/ Give me some light/ Show me some love
Come on, come on, come on/ Let me breathe

Swimming underwater/ Trying not to breathe/ Living in this city/ Like living in a dream
Swimming underwater/ Trying not to drown/ Step into the river now
Let it pull you down

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