Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Scott Garceau is a Douchebag

in accepted society, sex and religion are like oil and water. or more appropriately, gasoline and water. it’s best that they stay away from each other, else they’d end up corrupting the other to utter uselessness. i’ve been following the news lately about the church dipping its fingers on the issue of Reproductive Health. personally i oppose the church on this one. the church has incessantly been whining about how this move by the government will end up subverting the morals of the masses even more. they present cases of other countries that employed such drastic measures being unsuccessful in doing so but actually, what they’re presenting are merely half-truths. let’s face it, the masses are stupid. we’re talking here about people who go to church without knowing what ash wednesday is for. people who think that sexually transmitted diseases can be cured by drinking large quantities of buko juice. people who would soon exchange their health, their dignity, their souls, just so they can earn a few measly bills that are soon spent and gone along with their sensibilities. in the human spectrum, there will be those who easily understand, and there will be those who need to be whacked in the head just to get them to listen.

here’s one truth that the church will never tell you. one main reason for the constant increase in our country’s poverty level is because the poor keep fucking and shelling out babies without regard for its future.

on the streets i’ve seen a naked kid being scolded by his mother over nothing. the mother, holding an infant in one hand while slapping the boy with the other, has a swollen stomach. she is shouting at the kid, “putang ina mo! putang ina mo!

one of the church’s many roles is to act as a parent to its people. sadly, the church has been one passive parent. they’ve been content in merely informing people about what it calls as god’s family planning methods. apparently the stupid masses weren’t listening. and so while the church was talking, the people were fucking. now here comes the government presenting one simple solution: let’s give out condoms. all of a sudden the church throws a fit over an issue which itself has failed to resolve. it’s like a parent covering the eyes and ears of a child who’s at the end of watching porno. it’s a useless move. the damage has been done, the decadence implanted. there’s really no use in safeguarding a child who’s already been morally compromised. the stupid masses will never learn, so the option here really, is to choose between a stable or a poverty-stricken society, both turning up morally decadent in the end.

every life is important. everyone has a right to live. but a life born into an environment where it is unable to achieve its full potential could just be the same as killing it. sure there are exceptions, the ludwig van beethovens and the manny villars, but how often does that really happen? i for one am not willing to take that chance.

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